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Icona rilettura in italiano / correzione bozze / editing / revisione testi con checklist

Stand out from the crowd with flawless Italian

Attention to detail is your best calling card.

A text is effective when its form is as carefully considered as its content. My Italian proofreading or copyediting service, ensures you precisely that.

Your text may have been written directly in Italian or be a translation into Italian.
As an Italian native speaker, I will check it for you, considering:

  • Spelling: no more typos.
  • Grammar: applying the correct rules.
  • Syntax: correct sentence structure.
  • Omissions and additions: nothing left out, nothing extra put in.
  • Style: a fitting, consistent tone of voice.
  • Logic: free of conceptual contradictions.
  • Localization: adapted to the Italian world.
  • Layout: for an error-free layout.

The results?

Your text goes from being wrong…

Testo italiano contenente sei errori prima della rilettura

…to right!

Testo italiano senza errori dopo la rilettura

Your text goes from being wrong…

Dopo gli avvenimento degli ultimi gironi, la Banca Centrale Russia ha deciso di intervenire.
Ma cosa accadrà ora? E’ davvero possibile un dietrofront? Per gli analisti restando molti dubbi

…to right! —-

Dopo gli avvenimenti degli ultimi giorni, la Banca Centrale Russa ha deciso di intervenire.
Ma cosa accadrà ora? È davvero possibile un dietrofront? Per gli analisti restano molti dubbi.

Whom can I help with my proofreading service? Italian and international companies who care about communication, as well as blogs, such as [mini]marketing by Gianluca Diegoli or Segui i Mangoddi by Daniele Della Seta.

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Ask for more information

If you want your Italian to shine, get in touch with me.